Solana: How to collect LP fee if you are the only LP for a Raydium Pool with minimal impact?

Title: Solana: How to Collect LP Fees, If you are the only LP for the Raydium pool with minimal influence


As a platform that creates new tokens, it breaks them down and manages the pools of Raydium in Solan, you are probably facing users seeking help to break their tokens or participate in the Pulle Raydium. However, not all token token have the same number of LP votes (liquidity supplier) that affect the control of the pool. In this article, we will examine how token can take over the LP fee if the only LP is on the minimum pool of Raydium.


Suppose you are a platform that has created 10,000 token salt and hit them in two Raydium pools: pool A and pool B. Each pool is the property of one of your users, which brings $ 1000 to the LP salt for each pool. As the creator of these platforms, you have established an initial voting structure for both bases, with an equal number of votes for each user.

The script develops as follows:

  • User A has 10,000 broken token salt and decides to participate in Pula B.

  • You have 2 users (x and user) that bring $ 1000 in salt -in LP for each pool.

  • Since there are two bases with equal voice structures, you will have a total of 4 votes from the initial LP colleagues.


If all token token would contribute evenly and had an equal number of tokens, the success of your platform would be increased. However, in this scenario, the user A is the only factor that contributes to the pool B, while the other two users (x and y) are still contributing to the LP in Plepulations for both pools.


To collect a fee for a LP from one user who has contributed to the minimum impact on the control of the pool, you need to adopt a different approach. Here’s what you can do:

  • Make a token that encourages you to participate : Enter a new token (eg T), which is created and imprinted separately from the existing token salt. This token will be used to vote.

  • Use 51% of the voting system : Establish a voting system in which LP colleagues vote, approve or reject proposals that affect the pool management structure. In this scenario, you can enable the user X and Y (two contributions to) to have T tokens as part of the voting base, and their voices are weighted on the basis of their contribution of SOL.

  • Founded voting : Assign the different weights of each user based on their contribution of SOL. This will ensure that more active colleagues (eg x and y) maintain disproportionate weight in the decision -making process.


Suppose that the current structure of the pool management has 10,000 t token with equal weighing for all colleagues. Let’s say you want to increase voting threshold from 50% to 60%. Do:

  • Create a new token (t) that creates and pressed separately.

  • Assign 1000 t token X, which will bring $ 100,000 in salt.

  • Assign another 5000 t token to the user Y, which will also bring $ 500,000 in Sol -u.

In this scenario, the user X has 6,500 t (1000 + 5000) token with a total of 11,500 t tokens.


Although collection of LP LP fees can be difficult with minimal influence, there are ways to effectively action. With the introduction of a new token that encourages you to participate and using a weighted voting system, you can be sure that the success of your platform does not depend not just on the insert of one user. This approach will encourage more users to participate in the management process, which leads to increased liquidity and better decision -making for your pulse.

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