Ethereum: Starting a websocket in a function (Binance Websocket)

Starting and Stopping a WebSocket Connection from a GUI Application Using Binance Websocket

As a developer, you may have encountered situations where you needed to control the flow of an application within a user interface (GUI) application. In this article, we will explore how to build a simple GUI-based system that starts and stops a WebSocket connection using the Binance WebSocket library.

Required Prerequisites

  • Install Node.js on your computer (“”).
  • Make sure you have the existing Binance WebSocket library installed (npm install binance-websocket).
  • Create a new GUI application (e.g. using Electron or a framework like React, Angular, etc.).
  • Set up a WebSocket connection using the Binance API.

Code example

Ethereum: Starting a websocket in a function (Binance Websocket)

// Import the required libraries

const { Websocket } = require('binance-websocket');

const { CreateInterface } = require('readline');

// Initiate a WebSocket connection

const websocket = new Websocket({

Host: '',

Port: 3000,


// Set up the GUI event loop

const gui = create interface({

Input: process.stdin,

Output: process.stdout,


// Function to start/stop WebSocket connection

Function handleStart() {

websocket.on('connect', () => {

console.log('WebSocket connection established. Starting...');

// Start a new task when user presses Enter

gui.once('line', line => {

if (string === 'START') {

websocket.send({ command: 'start' });

setTimeout(() => {

console.log('WebSocket connection is stopping...');


}, 5000);



// Start a new task when user presses Ctrl+C

process.on('SIGINT', () => {





// Function to start/stop a WebSocket connection from the command line

Function handleStartCommand() {

const readline = required('readline');

const rl = readline.createInterface({

Input: process.stdin,

Output: process.stdout,


rl.question('Start (type "STOP" to stop)', answer => {

if (answer.toLowerCase() === 'start') {

websocket.send({ command: 'start' });

setTimeout(() => {

console.log('Stopping WebSocket connection...');


execute a stop command();

}, 5000);

} else if (answer.toLowerCase() === 'stop') {

execute a stop command();

} more {

console.error('Invalid input. Exiting...');

: handleStartCommand();




// Function to stop WebSocket connection

Function handleStopCommand() {

websocket.send({ command: 'close' });


// Main program loop

while (true) {



How ​​it works

  • The handleStart function sets up a WebSocket event listener for the connection event.
  • When the user presses Enter, a WebSocket connection is established and when the user presses Ctrl+C, a new task is started.
  • Using Readline.js, a simple text interface is created where users can type “START” to start a WebSocket connection or “STOP” to stop it.

Tips and Options

  • To make the GUI more interactive, you can add buttons to start/stop the WebSocket connection.
  • For a native desktop application, you can use an advanced GUI library like Electron or React.
  • If you prefer a command line interface, modify the handleStartCommand function to accept user input via the console.
  • To store data between sessions, consider using a database or file storage.


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