Ethereum: How can I get a private key from a mnemonic phrase? in python or other [duplicate]

I can see you are looking to extract the private key from the Mnemonic phrase using Python and Litecoin wallets.

Why do we need a private key?


A private key is required to check transactions in a blockchain network. When you create a new account or send cryptocurrency, your private key (along with the relevant public address) is stored securely in the wallet.

How to extract the private key from a mnemonic phrase:

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ——– ——-

You can use Python and the Cryptograph Library to achieve this. Here is an example of how to generate a private key from a mnemonic phrase:

Installation of the required libraries


PIP Install Cryptography

Sample code


By cryptography.fernet Import Fernet

Import on base 64

Import json

By cryptograph.hazmat.primites Importization Serialization

By cryptography.hazmat.primites.asymmetric Pading Pading

By Cryptography.hazmat.backens Import Default_backend

Import hashlib

def Load_private_Key_from_mnemonic (Mnemonic, password = no):

“” “” “

Load a private key from the mnemonic phrase.


Mnemonic (Str): Mnemonic phrase.

Password (Str, optional): Password for the wallet. If provided,

This password alone is used to generate the private key. Otherwise,

No private key is generated.


Bytes: A private key like a JSON string.

“” “” “

Create an object of Fernet cipher

f = fernet ()

Load MneMonic phrase from file or database (optional)

In an application in the real world, you must keep the mnemonic phrase safe.

with Open (“mnemonic_phrase.txt”, “rb”) as f:

mnemonic_bytes = ()

Password = “”


If not a password:

Generate a new private key for the first time

Private_Key = Fernet.Generate_private_Key (

Coding = “UTF-8”,

Backed = default_backend (),

Use_Keygen = TRUE,


Print (F “Generated private key: {Private_Key.private_bytes (

encoding = serialization.encoding.pem,

Format = Serialization.privateFormat.Raditionalopenssl,

Encryption_algorithm = serialization.Noencryption ()

)} “)

Encrypt the mnemonic phrase using the generated private key

encrypted_mnemonic = fernet.encrypt (

mnemonic.encode (“UTF-8”),

Padding.oaep (

mgf = patding.mgf1 (algorithm = hashlib.sha256 ()),

algorithm = hashlib.sha256 (),

label = none,



Load the private key from a json file

With Open (“Private_Key.json”, “RB”) as f:

Private_Key_bytes = ()

Convert the encrypted mnemonic phrase to bytes

Encrypted_mnemonic_bytes = Base64.b64Decode (encrypted_mnemonic)

Return Private_Key_Bytes, Encrypted_MneMonic_Bytes

Exemplary use

mnemonic_phrase = “your_mnemonic_phrase_here”

Password = “”


Private_Key_bytes, encrypted_mnemonic_bytes = Load_private_Key_from_mnemonic (mnemonic_phrase, password)

Print (“Private Key (JSON):”)

Print (Private_Key_Bytes)

Print (“\ nencrypted mnemonic phrase:”)

Print (encrypted_mnemonic_bytes.hex ())


How to use this code:

Ethereum: How can I get a private key from a mnemonic phrase? in python or other [duplicate]

  • Keep the Mnemonic phrase in a file or database.

  • Set a password if it is provided for decryption.

  • Pass the encrypted mnemonic phrase as an argument when calling Load_private_Key_from_mnemonic.

  • The private key is generated and returned as JSON String.

Note that this conversion suggests that you use the Fernet cipher algorithm with the SHA-256 hash. You may need to adjust these settings based on your specific requirements.

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