Troubleshooting Ethereum’s trading muzzle errors on binance using Python and WebSocket Connection
As a developer of automatic trading bot who run on MAC with VS code, you are not alone in experiencing problems that connect to Binance’s exchange through his webSockets. Refused permission errors are common when trying to set a connection between your code and exchange servers. In this article, we will go a few steps to solve the problem and solve it.
understanding the problem
Error message Permitionerror: [Errno 13] The refused permit 'usually indicates that your program cannot get permission to connect to the Binance API or to the WebSocket server. This may be due to several reasons, including:
- Inadequate permissions on your computer system
- User account configured incorrectly with insufficient privileges
- Binance's API key or access token is not properly configured
troubleshooting steps
To solve this problem, follow these steps:
1. Check -va configure and Binance Permissions
Before you connect to the API of the exchange, make sure you have:
- A valid API Binance key (API) and Jetoken Access
- Type of correct account (eg Binance API -API)
- User's correct role in your account settings
You can find these details on the [Binance Developer Platform] (
2. Check -va Python Environmental Variables
Ensure the following environment variables are set correctly:
- Calea
: indicates the director containing your interpreter Python
- User: specifies the current user’s connecting credentials (not required for this step)
si`binance_access_tokena: set these variables with the Api Binance key and the access token
You can check the environment variables running:
Python -c "Import OS; Print (os.environ ['Path'])"
####. Check your user account permits
In the VS code, go to
Settings (Ctrl+SHIFT+P or CMD+SHIFT+P), select
Python , then click the project
: [your project name] . Look for the "Execution" section and make sure that your user account has sufficient permissions.
4. Check the version and interpreter Python
Make sure you use the latest version of Python (3.9 or later) with the correct interpreter. You can check this by running:
Python -Tiva
5. Reconfigure Binance API and WebSocket connections
If the above steps do not solve the problem, try to reconfigure the Binance API and the webSococket connections:
* Binance API
: Update thebinance.pyfile with the API key and the access token.
6. Check webSocout connection
Use a tool likeCurlto test the webSocout connection:
Curl -x post \
-H 'Type of Content: Application/JSON' \
-d '{"symbol": "btcusdt", "type": "limit", "limit": 10}'
Replace with API key and access token
If you have any problems, do not hesitate to share more details about the code and your environment. I will be happy to help!